Oda e Ndërmjetësuesve të Kosovës



The General Assembly is the highest body of the Chamber. It consists of all the mediators registered in the Chamber. The Assembly has the highest responsibility over the policies and financial affairs of the Chamber.

The competences of the Assembly include:

  • Adopting Chamber statute and making amendments and additions;
  • Electing and dismissing the Chamber's Board Members and President;
  • Deciding on the amount of the membership fee and the method of its payment, as well as on the exclusion of Chamber members;
  • Approving the Chamber's budget;
  • Approving the report and financial statements;
  • Approving Chamber's annual report for the previous year as well as yearly plan for the following year;
  • Selecting the external auditor;
  • Approving work-related regulations of the Assembly;
  • Approving other official reports of the Chamber's Board and the President;
  • Transferring of any authorizations to the Board with the vote of the majority of its members, except for the authorizations that, as per law and statute, cannot be transferred to any other body than the Assembly;
  • Deciding on other issues, per Chamber statute;
  • Reviewing all issues related to the performance of the mediation procedure and the position of mediators;
  • Debating and issuing decisions and opinions concerning the progress of the Chamber's work, cooperation and membership in other local and international institutions and associations;
  • Reviewing, issuing opinions and establishing policies on all issues falling in the scope of other Chamber bodies;
  • Deciding on Chamber closure in accordance with the law.